How Your Frame of View Shape the Reality

2 min readFeb 7, 2021
Photo by pine watt on Unsplash

You know when you are having a bad day, and everything seems to make it worst?

This used to happen a lot with me: Going through loopholes of complaining and feeling that the whole universe is against me; in fact, I remember repeating to myself “this can't get any worse”, just to get more disappointed with the next problem.

By no means I am now an enlighted person, but after studying a lot I understood better what was happening inside of my brain; this knowledge helped me to have less of those days and put effort into changing the way I see life.

Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

What was causing this feeling?

In the amazing book called Thinking, Fast and Slow, Khanneham talks about the priming effect, that is, what you are thinking will influence your decisions and perceptions; I am not getting more problems, but because I am thinking about them, I am more willing to notice when they happen. Like when you buy a new car, it suddenly starts to show up everywhere.

When I’m on a negative frame, negative things will happen everywhere that I look at.

Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash

Take Care of Your Inner Space

The way I managed to step out is by putting an effort into cleaning my inner space, I try to see nothing as “bad”; when I give enough perspective most of the “bad” things will also have a good part (or at least a lesson).

This usually doesn’t solve the problem, but it makes my inner space clearer. It's easy for me to spot good things when I’m thinking about them.

Miracles happen all the time around us, it’s just a matter of noticing them.




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